camera_altFoto: Crestock
The outpatient clinic at Oslo hospital Ullevål is closed
The outpatient clinic at Oslo Universitetsykehus Ullevål closes for HIV patients, both for blood samples and doctor’s or nurses’ appointments. For patients who was supposed to renew their prescription at a regular appointment, your prescription will be automatically renewed electronically and can be collected at your pharmacy.
It will not be possible to reach anyone at the outpatient clinic on the telephone, until it is announced that the clinic is available and open again.
Check your stock of your daily HIV medication. If you have medication to last three months or more there is no reason to act now regarding your prescription. If you need a new prescription now, this can be done via Min Journal on HelseNorge’s website. You will not be able to call your specialist for a new prescription via the outpatient clinic, as it is now closed.
If you have a prescription, you will be able to stock up on HIV medication at your pharmacy.
If you are having trouble using Min Journal to get a new prescription, you can visit your pharmacy and ask for assistance. Please bring pill boxes / pill glasses for the HIV medicines you take daily that are labeled with your name.
Contact us if you need further advice regarding a new prescription.
For all patients in Oslo, we are aware that Apotek1 in Storgata has access to all HIV medication and can order more at short notice.
If you are not a regular customer at Apotek1 in Storgata and are struggling to obtain a prescription via Min Journal, bring the pill glass / pill box with the medication with your name on the label and Apotek 1 will help you get the medication you need. You can also order by telephone if you live outside Oslo, receive your treatment from Oslo Universitetssykehus Ullevål and cannot travel to Oslo. Apotek1 in Storgata can send the medication via post.
The Infectious diseases outpatient clinic at Oslo Universitetssykehus Ullevål report that almost all of their HIV patients are well-medicated and need not worry that it may take a little time to take new blood tests.
The Infectious diseases outpatient clinic at Oslo Universitetssykehus Ullevål has recommended HivNorge to close our office and postpone the general assembly and other events for the time being. We will therefore not be physically available in the office.
You can reach us on mobile phone 920 16 892 every day between 10.00-16.00. You can also reach us at e-mail or or via Facebook messenger on our Facebook page HivNorge. We can also arrange a conversation over FaceTime at HivNorges FaceTime on Facebook.
We are primarily available during ordinary office hours, but if we are available, we will respond to urgent matters also outside office hours.
We can advise you on how to get new prescriptions and HIV medication, psychosocial support, as well as any other HIV related issues you want to discuss.
Our counselling service, our legal counselling service are available and we are available if you just need someone to talk to, but all contact must take place by phone, mail, FaceTime, messenger and not in person. All events are postponed until further notice.
We recommend that you follow the advice and precautions of the Institute of Public Health regarding the Corona virus. As the situation now seems to be evolving, avoid crowds, major events and if possibly you should avoid public transport during rush hour.
If you work, your employer has probably also given guidelines that apply where you work and many companies, institutions and organizations have chosen to recommend working from home and closing their office.
There is little indication that the pharmacies will close, but it may be wise to check if you have enough of your daily medication for a good while to come.
We are constantly updating our web pages with new information on the development. Please contact us if you have any questions or other inquiries.
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