HIV and AIDS in Norway
In Norway, the rights and responsibilities of people living with HIV are stipulated in the Infectious Disease Control Act. This applies to any person presently in Norway, including tourists, people without legal residence and undocumented persons.
scheduleOppdatert: 25.05.2023
createForfatter: Sekretariatet
labelEmner: living with HIV/AIDS in Norway
Medical care
People living with HIV are entitled to free hiv treatment and care. This applies to everyone present in Norway, including tourists, students, other visitors, people without legal residence and undocumented persons. More comprehensive medical care as preventative dental care and psychological therapy if their psychological needs stem from the HIV infection are free for people with resident permit*.
All Norwegian residents and EU/EEC residents living in Norway have the right to proper health services. The Patient’s Rights Act (pasientrettighetsloven) states that you can choose your own doctor, your own hospital and that you have the right to see your own medical journal. You are also entitled to proper information about your diagnosis and health status, including possible risks and side effects of your treatment or examinations. If you feel that your rights have not been properly cared for, you may file a complaint with the Patient ombudsman (Pasient- og brukerombudet) in your county of residence (hjemkommune). HivNorway can assist you with such complaints if they are related to your HIV diagnosis.
Additional regulations apply if HIV related expenses are not covered by the health system. These expenses may be covered by the social welfare office (NAV). Extra dental expenses not covered by the National Health Service may also be covered by the Social Welfare System*.
Rights and responsibilities
People living with HIV in Norway are subject to the Infectious Disease Control Act (smittevernloven), which gives you both rights and responsibilities. Apart from medical and dental care, you are entitled to assistance to prevent you from transmitting the virus to another person, including adequate access to free condoms and clean needles for injection. It may also include sufficient support for housing, education, employment or rehabilitation*. These rights do not necessarily mean that all assistance is free of charge.
For more information about treatment, rights and responsibilities, please visit
*Certain terms and conditions apply for specialist and non-essential services such as dental care, psychological treatment and social services. Please contact HivNorway if you need help to review your personal circumstances.
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