The HIV test
To find out if you have an HIV infection you must take an HIV test. This test can tell you if your body has made antibodies to fight HIV. A positive test shows that these antibodies are present and this means you have been infected with HIV.
There are two types of HIV tests. One requires a blood sample and takes a few days to analyze, but is more accurate. The other is a rapid test that requires only a drop of blood and provides a result within minutes. But the rapid test is less sensitive and can give false positive results within the first few weeks after infection.
HIV testing is free of charge in Norway as long as you visit a public (or charity) clinic, or a general practitioner (fastlege) with public funding. Private clinics and doctors without public funding may charge a fee.
You can take an HIV test for free at your general practitioner (fastlege). You can also get the HIV test done for free at these clinics:
Olafiaklinikken, Trondheimsveien 2N. Tel: 23 07 58 40
Sjekkpunkt. Helseutvalget, Arbeidersamfundets plass 1 (entrance in Torggata around the corner). Rapid test only.
Aksept – senter for alle berørt av hiv, Hammersborg Torg 3. Rapid test only.
Sex og samfunn, Skippergata 17. Drop in or by appointment. Tel: 22 99 39 00.
Haukeland sykehus, Poliklinikk for seksuelt overførbare infeksjoner, Hudavdelingen, Jonas Lies vei 73. Tel: 55 97 39 60/62.
Kirkens Bymisjon Bergen – Leve med Hiv. By appointment. Tel: 971 11 876 or e-mail
St. Olavs Hospital, Poliklinikk for kjønnssykdommer, Olav Kyrres gate 10. Tel: 971 53 462.
Sosialmedisinsk senter, Søndre Tollbugate 7. Tel: 77 79 04 00.
Stavanger universitetssykehus, Hjalmar Johansens gate 2. By appointment. Tel: 915 80 241
Kirkenes legesenter, Storgata 2. Tel: 78 97 76 60.
Sørlandet sykehus, Egsveien 100. Tel: 90 14 00 91
It usually 10 to 14 days to get the result from a blood screening. The test is very reliable.
If you have been infected with HIV very recently the test can still be negative. This is because it can take up to three months from the time of infection to produce the antibodies that are needed to give a positive test result.
You can only be tested if you agree to it. Nobody can test you for HIV without your informed consent.
Getting tested for HIV is a smart thing to do. Yet many people refuse to get tested. They find the idea of getting tested so frightening they just don’t want to do it, even though they will often continue to be stressed and worried about whether they’re infected. Others think of testing as unnecessary because they want to believe that HIV is something that does not concern them. HIV concerns everyone and any sexually active person could be at risk of infection, disregarding gender, sexual orientation or sexual practices.
Further reading:
Please note that the following links take you outside and the resulting pages are not under our control. Am I Infected? A Complete Guide to Testing for HIV
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