Gradually opening of the outpatient clinic at Ullevål

The outpatient clinic for infectious diseases at OUS is now open for blood tests prior to your consultation, for anyone with an appointment from week 22 onwards. Some patients will have the option of going to the clinic for their consultation.

scheduleOppdatert: 19.05.2020

createForfatter: Sekretariatet


This will, for example, apply to everyone who may be in need of an interpreter. Many will still receive consultations by phone and/or digitally.

From June 2, 2020, the notice of the appointment for blood tests and consultation will be sent by digital mail via Digipost /Altinn. If Digipost is not opened after one or two reminders, the letter will automatically be sent by ordinary mail. The outpatient clinic for infectious diseases does not have the option to stop this as this is done automatically via Posten, if Digipost is not opened. If you want to avoid getting a letter in the mail, you can get the next appointment directly when you are at the outpatient clinic. Until 2 June, the letters will be sent by ordinary mail.

If the outpatient clinic for infectious diseases has to postpone or change appointments at short notice, they will still call, but no longer send SMS to those who do not answer the phone – only send electronic letters. These letters must therefore be opened quickly.

Although we have now gained control of the corona virus in Norway, changes can still occur quickly. Keep up to date on the outpatient clinic for infectious diseases website at Oslo University Hospital Ullevål.

SMS reminder

SMS reminder is sent 4 days before blood tests and 4 days before the consultation.


You may read the doctors notes after consultations in your journal by logging on to and selecting «patient journal» and then your health region, South Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority of Oslo University Hospital, or you can log in to and select «journal documents».

There are no notices or messages that something is added to the journal, you have to log in yourself to read. In the long term, you should also be able to look up appointments and blood tests in MinJournal, but this is not yet in place.

How to log in to minjournal/

Once your doctor has renewed your prescription, you will find the prescription by logging on to and chose the tab «patient journal» and then your health region, (South Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority of Oslo University Hospital). You will find the prescription by choosing the tab «Medication».

Contact us at HivNorge if you have questions or need someone to talk to about HIV. We are available on phone 21 31 45 80, e-mail and via Facebook Messenger.

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